Happy 2022!

Happy New Year!

As we begin 2022 Marda Loop Physiotherapy continues to be open and seeing clients.  We have reduced the number of people in the clinic and extended the treatment time for each session.  Your physio and support staff will be wearing PPE and have all received their Covid-19 vaccinations.  If you have forgotten your mask we are happy to supply you with one.  We are trying to not utilize the waiting room area to ensure physical distancing.  Please arrive for your appointment on time and after you have completed the COVID screening questions we will direct you to a room.  In the interest of minimizing contact only the patient and necessary caregivers/guardians and Marda Loop staff will be allowed in the clinic.  There are 4 sinks in the clinic to wash hands and there is also hand sanitizer in every room and at the front desk.

If you are not comfortable with seeing us for in clinic treatment we are still available for Virtual Physiotherapy sessions, otherwise known as Telehealth.  Marda Loop’s physiotherapists have an immense knowledge base and an ability to talk through your history, assess you and provide education, exercises and resources to help you start and progress your rehabilitation.  

To book please give us a call at 403-243-5004 or visit our online booking site at https://mardaloop.janeapp.com .  You can also email us at  info@mardaloopphysio.com . We look forward to seeing you soon . 

Thank you

Marda Loop Physiotherapy